Monday, June 7, 2021

Chapter 49: I Can't Tell You How Much God Loves Me Because Numbers Don't Go That High


Today was a fun day, but not for missionary work. We had to take our car into the shop today and did so this afternoon expecting to have our car back within a hour or two. Well, we got a call that our car was unsafe to drive, and that they planned on keeping it a lot longer than we originally planned for, perhaps for weeks. We called our district leader and he said that we would be staying in Delta for the night with Uncompahgre with Elder Eden and Elder Bunker. That was a fun opportunity to see Elder Eden.
Today we spent the morning with Uncompahgre until they took us back up to our apartment. We’ll be getting a car tomorrow from one of our other District companionships, but until then we’re pretty much stranded at our house. Fortunately we were able to walk to the church for youth activities tonight, but the 40 minutes it took us to walk there made me grateful for all the times that we’ve been able to make the drive in five minutes in a car.
Today we had an awesome combined district council meeting. We got to see all of the Elders and Sisters in our Zone, and we spent a lot less time talking about technique and what it was that we could do than we spent talking about the “why” of what we were doing. There was an opportunity for missionaries who wanted to to share a brief testimony, but I told myself I wasn’t going to get up unless they asked me to since I had (as usual) an excessive amount of preparation and would have talked for no less than 15 minutes. We also got to start exchanges today, and so I got to spend the day with Elder Edwards. Our time together was very enjoyable, I’m going to miss him a lot when he goes home.
This morning Elder Aguirre and I switched back. We got to do an abbreviated weekly planning session, which I just remembered that we didn’t finish, so we’ll get to wrap it up tomorrow. We got to do a lot of service today, and a lot of work over Facebook. The lessons that we had today also went really well. We found out today that our member meals are officially going away; We will no longer be eating with anyone. This is an opportunity for us to focus less on having our temporal needs taken care of, and making more time for members to be able to focus on missionary work and the more important work of gathering Israel.
We had another lesson with Deanie today, and it was amazing. We brought fellowship along, Brother and Sister Kline, and they worked flawlessly together with us as we taught the Plan of Salvation to Deanie. We were so proud of Deanie because she kept the commitment we left with her, she read The Book of Mormon! We were so proud of Brother Kline because he’s a recent convert, and he was teaching as if he had been a life-long missionary. His testimony was amazing, and he closed out our meeting today by promising blessings in the name of Jesus Christ. Brother and Sister Kline are working to get to the point to be able to go to the temple, and it is amazing to see them doing missionary work alongside us. I was so proud of Brother Kline, and Sister Kline was too. 
Today was a lot of fun. We had a youth fireside in our ward that we got to go to. The Bishop asked me to play introduction music as everyone was walking into the chapel, which went pretty well. He then asked if I could play an opening hymn which went… less well. Fortunately it didn’t ruin the fireside too much. I need to practice reading music more, most of the stuff that I play has been by ear, not off a sheet of paper, and so that was a little out of my comfort zone. I also shared a personal experience tonight with a family that we were teaching which is rare for me. I don’t usually share those experiences with others because I feel like it dominates the conversation and makes it impossible to teach in unity with my companion since he doesn’t know those stories like I do. I did recognize afterwards the importance of sharing my testimony and witness, though. My witness is unique, it needs to be shared.

Today for a spiritual thought I wanted to share the transition shown for those who become converted to the Gospel as recorded in Alma 26:15 
Yea, [we] were encircled about with everlasting darkness and destruction; but behold, he has brought [us] into his everlasting light, yea, into everlasting salvation; and [we] are encircled about with the matchless bounty of his love; yea, and we have been instruments in his hands of doing this great and marvelous work.
The reason why I changed these words to include us is because it doesn't matter how long we've been members of Christ's church for. Until we do the things He asks us to, until we act on them the Gospel will just be a nice idea, it has no power to bring life and joy into our lives until we act on our faith and put it to the test. We can choose to live the Gospel at any time, and as soon as we do we will be brought into Christ's marvellous light.

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