Monday, October 28, 2019

(Week 14) Chapter 14: Wet Cement

Elder Williams and Elder A

Getting completely spoiled with a chocolate dessert at Presidente Matos' home.

Elder Williams knows how to make ties, so he taught Elder A and here is the tie that Elder A made and embroidered!

Elder A's new hammock.  He is sleeping a lot more comfortably in this than he was in his bed.

Just in time for Halloween, a spooky clawed hand reaching toward Elder A.

This picture is a bit gory, so skip it if you have a weak stomach, but here is an alligator arm, because as you probably guessed, Elder A was able to eat alligator again.  

We had interviews with Presidente Tuesday. He talked to one Elder today and I think he might have forgotten about him because he's been there for a long time and Presidente couldn't recall how many transfers he had been there for. I hope that happens to me because I love this area! I keep getting the horrible feeling I'll be leaving soon though, I hope at least I stay here through Christmas though. Today we did more practices in front of everyone, which I didn't mind, because I needed the practice and I thought they were pretty fun. I was able to tell jokes which was a huge confidence boost.
I made a tie this week which was pretty fun and it turned out pretty well. We had a lot of fun hunting for houses on a 45 degree incline which the Brazilians have figured out how to walk up but I'm just a weak American who doesn't have suction cups for feet so for some reason that felt more difficult. I was sick for a day on Saturday which stank, but other than that, I had some awesome experiences teaching this week and have absolutely been loving it. We also had a Mexican night because my companion and I have been missing Mexican food and even though we had to make everything from scratch, it turned out pretty awesome. 
Sorry this is so short, but some people needed my help today so I didn't get to spend as much time on this.

Muito amor,
Elder Anderson

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